Mock Programming Job

Get the job, by doing the job.


An at-will, learn-on-the-"job" software development project, that you can use to get day-to-day experience as a software engineer. Learn to code (or code better) by taking assignments, and reporting on your work as you would in a professional Agile software team. We code in Java, and Javascript, using many popular frameworks and tools. We operate in two week sprints, and we believe in data structures, algorithms, and code reviews.

When you join, you tell us how much time you have available. Your assigned tasks will be appropriate to your level as a developer, all with the intention of making you stronger.

You will choose to be a developer on either the frontend or backend (or both!). Whichever you choose, you will learn by taking small development tasks, and doing the research necessary to implement them. We as a team are always available for you via our Discord server.

All programmers, of all skill levels, who wish to become better programmers, are welcome.

To get started, just join one of our meetings on the calendar below, and we'll get you going.

Check out our code on GitHub!
Our Tech Stack
Java 19
Javascript / Typescript 4.6
Python 3
Angular 15+
Spring Boot 3.2+
Node JS 18.17+
AWS, Git, and Jira

Join us at our Meetup page. Talk with us online via our Discord server.

Our schedule of events is on the calendar below.
